announces new column Non-Starters: a dedication to terrible startup ideas

By September 18, 2018 introduces a new column today called Non-Starters: a dedication to terrible startup ideas that have no chance of getting off the ground.

At a time when fake news has begun to dominate the headlines, has decided that if we can’t beat ‘em, we might as well join them. The result is ‘Non-Starters’, a column where we talk about startups that don’t exist, and won’t exist for excellent reasons. In other words, we bring you the fictional startups that would have been better left on the cutting room floor.

We’ve all had terrible ideas. Some of us have been bold enough to follow through with them. So even if they seem bad enough to even merit a second glance, wants a shrine at our news site that deifies the ideas that were better left unexecuted. In writing on fake startups we hope to draw attention to the lighter side of ecosystems as well as the aspects of startup culture that may take itself too seriously.

Each week, we’ll bring you the best of the worst, in the hope that the satire can bring some light relief to our high-octane startup lives. Whether it be fintech, edutech, cryptocurrencies, foodtech, B2B or B2C, we’re likely to be equal opportunity offenders by ensuring all verticals are equally struck by our satire.

We kick things off with our April Fool’s prank this year which highlighted the good work of fictional startup ¡Gringo Please!; a company that aims to eliminate violent door slamming by 2023.

If you have any ideas for Non-starters or you yourself are part of a terrible idea for a startup, we’d love to hear from you. Drop any satirical thoughts to [email protected].


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