Paraguayan Keapo turns online shopping into a social activity

Established in 2012, Keapo is a Paraguayan app that seeks to revolutionize online buying and selling over the internet by integrating the powers of social media platforms –  like Facebook and Twitter. It connects users through their interests, by grouping sellers and buyers.

Since its introduction, the app has gained a ton of praise from worldwide acknowledged figures. During its first year, the app ranked in the top 7 startups in the World Summit Awards Paraguay, winning a prize of $1,000, as well as a chance to compete in the international competition.

How it works

It’s fairly simple. All  a user needs to do is take is a quick picture taken of the product with the Keapo app, and a brief description of 140 characters, just like a tweet. The product sale is then uploaded on the app’s platform, as well as Keapo’s social media platforms.

However, the magic of the app really shines when users leverage Keapo’s group feature. When users join groups with those they share the same interests as,  buyers and sellers can easily find their counterparts without having to dig through piles of classified ads.

While the app does have a few competitors – namely YOOX – Keapo dominated the market, making it a runaway success.

Omar Elorfaly: Crazed by modern technology and unexpected experiences around the world, Omar hops on the first ride possible towards random spots, seeking the next thrill.